Does Modafinil Expire?

Updated July 3, 2024 by | Reviewed by William Gallagher, MNeuroSci
(Estimated reading time: 2 minutes)

Modafinil is a medication that is used to treat narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

It has become popular among college students and professionals because it helps them stay awake and focused for long periods of time.

But does Modafinil expire? In this blog post, we will discuss the shelf life of Modafinil and answer the question: does Modafinil expire?

Modafinil does have an expiration date.

Modafinil is a prescription medication used to treat daytime sleepiness and narcolepsy, but is also occasionally used off-label for purposes such as enhancing cognition.

It's unclear what the half-life of Modafinil might be, as it has only been approved for human use in America since 1998, and much of the research done on it has been limited or focused on animals.

It seems that concerns about Modafinil's shelf life are often prompted by improper storage methods.

The pill should be stored in a cool place, away from humidity or heat sources that could cause the coating to become damaged.

The packaging will usually indicate when it will expire as well as whether it needs to be refrigerated or not (often it will say "store at room temperature").

Experts suggest taking any unused Modafinil before its expiration date passes if you plan on using it later; once the coating is damaged, bacteria can enter the pill and cause unwanted effects or even make you ill.

All the research is done on Modafinil so far has been conducted in animals and on people who are taking it in a prescribed manner for therapeutic reasons.

How Can You Tell If Modafinil Has Gone Bad?

As with any medication, Modafinil can go bad and become less effective if it is not stored properly.

You should always follow the directions on your bottle of pills when storing them in order to ensure they remain safe for consumption.

If you notice that there are changes to how your body feels after taking this drug or experience side effects from taking it, stop using Modafinil immediately and consult with your doctor.

If you notice that the Modafinil pill has a bad odor, is discolored, or seems to have developed crystals on it, do not take it and contact your pharmacist.

This is a clear sign that the medication has expired and is no longer safe to consume.

How To Store Modafinil Properly

Modafinil should be stored in a cool place, away from humidity or heat sources that could cause the coating to become damaged.

The packaging will usually indicate when it will expire as well as whether it needs to be refrigerated or not (often it will say "store at room temperature").

Experts suggest taking any unused Modafinil before its expiration date passes if you plan on using it later; once the coating is damaged, bacteria can enter the pill and cause unwanted effects or even make you ill.

If you want to make sure that your Modafinil lasts as long as possible, you should always store it in an airtight container out of direct sunlight at room temperature.

You can also put the pills inside a ziplock bag and keep them in the refrigerator to prolong their shelf life even further.