8 Best Over-the-Counter Nootropics In 2024

Updated September 19, 2024 by | Reviewed by William Gallagher, MNeuroSci
(Estimated reading time: 14 minutes)

In this article, I'll take a closer at the 8 best over-the-counter nootropics. I'll also cover the potential risks and side effects you may run into and the benefits you can expect.

Are you looking for ways to increase your mental performance?

If so, you may want to consider trying nootropics – supplements designed to improve cognitive functions. Nootropics have become increasingly popular in recent years. They can provide several potential benefits, such as improved focus and memory, increased learning capacity, enhanced productivity, and better overall brain health.

But, with such a wide variety of products on the market, it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the 8 best over-the-counter nootropics available in 2023.

Let's take a look at these 8 nootropics down below.

The best over-the-counter nootropics, according to scientific evidence, are:

  • Nooceptin
  • Vyvamind
  • Caffeine
  • L-Theanine
  • Creatine
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Panax ginseng
  • Bacopa Monnieri

1. Nooceptin

Ignite your mental potential! FDG-117, known as Nooceptin, is an amazing nootropic blend designed to give you a competitive edge.

Its combination of nootropic ingredients is scientifically proven to boost cognitive performance and energy levels for extraordinary focus and clarity - a must-have in today's fast-paced world.

Nooceptin combines 7 carefully-selected clinically researched nootropic ingredients to create a powerful brain enhancer.

These ingredients are:

  1. Citicoline (as CDP Choline aka cytidine 5'-phosphocholine, sodium)
  2. Rhodiola Rosea 150 mg Extract (3% rosavins & 1% salidroside) 
  3. Bacopa Monnieri Extract - 150 mg (40% bacosides)
  4. L-Theanine (L-γ-glutamylethylamide) - 200 mg 
  5. Ginkgo Biloba Extract - 100 mg (24% ginkgo flavone glycosides & 6% terpene lactones) 
  6. Lion's Mane Mushroom Extract - 400 mg (30% polysaccharides)
  7. Panax Ginseng Extract - 200 mg

By stacking together Ginkgo Biloba, L-Theanine, Citicoline, and Rhodiola Rosea, you can dramatically enhance your cognitive performance while achieving maximum energy levels.

Adaptogens like Ginkgo help the body cope with stress effectively, as L-Theanine promotes a state of relaxed alertness. Meanwhile, research has shown that Citicoline[1] and Rhodiola Rosea can increase concentration capabilities, memory, and learning for peak focus.[2]

So if you're looking for a comprehensive brain supplement to help you out, Nooceptin is my clear winner.

Nooceptin Pros

  • Combines 7 all-natural nootropic ingredients
  • Increases cognitive performance and energy levels
  • Improves focus and clarity

Nooceptin Cons

  • Shipping times can take up to 2 weeks

Nooceptin in Summary

If you're looking for a comprehensive nootropic supplement to boost your mental performance, I'd recommend Nooceptin. With its carefully selected ingredients, you can expect increased focus and clarity while achieving maximum energy levels.

You can maximize your cognitive potential by properly stacking the right combination of nootropics, so why not give Nooceptin a try? It's an amazing way to get ahead in today's world!

2. Vyvamind

At the heart of Vyvamind (NSV-313) lies a carefully curated blend of 6 all-natural nootropic ingredients, working in synergy to provide powerful cognitive enhancement.

The Vyvamind ingredients are:

  1. Vitamin B6 (2.5 mg)
  2. Vitamin B12 (50 mcg)
  3. L-Tyrosine (300 mg)
  4. Citicoline (CDP Choline) - 200 mg
  5. L-Theanine (150 mg)
  6. Caffeine Anhydrous (75 mg)

Numerous clinical studies support each ingredient's efficacy – unlocking and enhancing your brain's potential!

CDP Choline is an exciting supplement that provides a window into our cognitive potential. It serves as the key precursor to Acetylcholine (ACh), enabling replenishment of this essential neurotransmitter to improve learning and memory formation while also conferring neuroprotection - proven effective against Alzheimer's Disease and other neurological maladies.[3]

L-Tyrosine is a powerful amino acid that assists in boosting brain performance! It helps to increase alertness and vigilance while stimulating the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.

Elevating these neurochemicals has greatly enhanced one's overall cognitive abilities - making it essential for those seeking peak mental function.[4]

L-Theanine is an incredible amino acid that offers a rare combination of relaxation without sleepiness. It can lessen stress and amplify attentiveness, contributing to improved brain functioning.

And when combined with Caffeine Anhydrous - you get alertness and acuity sans the unpleasant side effects like a racing heart or post-crash slump.[5]

By incorporating these nootropic ingredients into Vyvamind, we get something greater than its individual parts that significantly powers up cognitive performance while helping maintain mental clarity at peak conditions.

Vyvamind Pros

  • Combines 6 all-natural nootropic ingredients
  • Increases cognitive performance and energy levels
  • Improves focus, clarity, and alertness
  • Completely legal and can be bought over-the-counter (OTC)

Vyvamind Cons

  • Not ideal for people on a tight budget

Vyvamind in Summary

Vyvamind is an amazing nootropic blend that combines 6 all-natural ingredients to provide powerful cognitive enhancement. It boosts mental performance and energy levels, allowing you to achieve maximum clarity and focus while remaining alert and attentive.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive natural supplement to help improve your mental abilities, Vyvamind is an excellent choice. It’s a great way to maximize your cognitive potential and get ahead in life!

3. Caffeine

Caffeine is a powerful nootropic that primarily blocks adenosine receptors in the central nervous system, increasing energy, alertness, and focus.[6]

Blocking these receptors prevents adenosine from binding to them and increases the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). This allows for higher levels of communication between neurons, leading to enhanced cognitive performance. 

At the same time, caffeine also acts as an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (PDE), which is responsible for breaking down cyclic AMP (cAMP) molecules in cells. By inhibiting PDE activity, caffeine increases cAMP levels throughout the body, allowing for increased alertness and mental agility.[7]

Caffeine has an advantage over other popular nootropics due to its molecular structure: it has a three-dimensional shape (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) similar to adenosine. This allows it to bind and block adenosine receptors more than its closest structural relatives, like theobromine or theophylline

Additionally, caffeine may have some unique effects on dopamine production and metabolism.

It appears to increase dopamine synthesis while simultaneously preventing dopamine release from vesicles in brain cells – a phenomenon known as ‘reverse transport’ – resulting in heightened dopamine signaling within neural pathways. 

From improved alertness and faster reaction times to increased motivation and enhanced mood, caffeine has been scientifically proven as an effective cognitive booster.

Let it unlock the full potential of your mental energy by allowing you to tackle whatever challenge comes ahead effortlessly!

Caffeine Pros

  • Readily available over-the-counter
  • All-natural and robust scientific evidence
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Can increase alertness and focus
  • Increases motivation and energy levels

Caffeine Cons

  • It can cause insomnia and jitters in high doses
  • Some people are extremely caffeine sensitive

Caffeine in Summary

One of the most consumed stimulants in the world, caffeine has been shown to boost alertness and focus reliably. It can provide an effective cognitive boost without unpleasant side effects when used judiciously.

It is one of the most reliable over-the-counter nootropics on the market. It should be considered part of a comprehensive nootropic stack for anyone looking for an edge.

4. L-Theanine

L-Theanine works in the brain by increasing levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps to reduce anxiety and improve mood. By stimulating the production of alpha waves in the brain, L-theanine can also help with relaxation and focus.[8]

This is why it is considered a great over-the-counter nootropic because it provides mental clarity without being overly stimulating like other nootropics.

Unlike other nootropics, L-theanine does not cause unwanted side effects like restlessness or jitteriness. It has been proven safe and effective in numerous studies, making it a popular choice among those who want to enhance their cognitive functioning without sacrificing their physical or mental well-being. 

L-theanine's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) quickly and very efficiently makes it so powerful. This means it can reach the brain much faster than many other supplements and start working almost immediately.

It also does not require significant doses for effectiveness, which can make it more economical than some other supplements on the market.

In addition to its calming effects on both body and mind, L-theanine has also been shown to have antioxidant properties that help protect cells against damage from free radicals.[9]

L-Theanine Pros

  • Can reduce anxiety
  • Increases mental clarity and focus without jitters
  • Improves mood
  • Provides antioxidant protection
  • It does not require large doses for effectiveness
  • It can be bought over the counter in most stores

L-Theanine Cons

  • High dosages can cause drowsiness in some people

L-Theanine in Summary

L-theanine is a great over-the-counter nootropic that can provide mental clarity and focus without jitters. It has been proven to reduce anxiety and improve mood while providing antioxidant protection.

It is also available in most stores, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a natural way to enhance their cognitive functioning without spending a lot of money.

5. Creatine

Creatine Monohydrate is best known for its ability to help build muscle, but it can also be used as a nootropic. Creatine has been found to have a positive effect on the brain. Studies have shown that creatine can improve memory, focus, and overall mental performance.[10]

Creatine works in the brain by increasing levels of phosphocreatine, which helps to produce energy molecules called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This increased energy production helps to improve brain function and mental performance.

In addition to improving cognitive function, creatine has also been found to reduce fatigue and stress. It can help increase alertness and concentration while reducing anxiety and depression.

A study revealed an innovative way to combat mental fatigue - taking creatine. This scientific study used a double-blind placebo-controlled experiment and found that 8 grams of creatine each day for 5 days resulted in improved oxygen utilization by the brain during mathematical tasks.[11]

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) confirmed this finding, suggesting that increased oxygen consumption leads directly to decreased exhaustion levels.

Creatine is an effective OTC nootropic that can help improve cognitive function in healthy individuals and those with neurological disorders. It is generally considered safe when taken in recommended doses and is readily available in most health stores.

Creatine Pros

  • Robust scientific evidence of cognitive enhancement
  • Increases energy production in the brain
  • Can reduce mental fatigue
  • Improves memory, focus, and overall mental performance
  • Reduces anxiety and depression

Creatine Cons

  • Not ideal for people with kidney dysfunction 

Creatine in Summary

Creatine is a great over-the-counter nootropic that can help improve mental performance, reduce fatigue, and increase alertness. It has been clinically proven to improve cognitive function in healthy individuals and those with neurological disorders.

Creatine is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain, making it an ideal choice for people looking for an affordable way to improve their mental clarity without spending a lot of money.

6. Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb that can help improve mental performance, reduce fatigue, and increase concentration. It has been used for centuries to treat stress and depression and enhance physical performance. It's a natural nootropic that is available OTC in most health stores.

Through a meticulous review of 10 research papers, one study determined that Rhodiola rosea (RR) supplementation could be used to enhance physical exercise capacity significantly.[12]

The vast majority of the studies analyzed concluded that Rhodiola rosea had an advantageous influence on sports activities and competition outcomes, with no significant side effects detected.

Subjects taking Rhodiola rosea also showed a reduction in pain and muscle damage after exercise training, improved skeletal muscle damage, enhanced antioxidant capacity, reduced oxidative stress, reduced RPE scores, and improved athletic and explosive power.

Rhodiola Rosea Pros

  • An all-natural adaptogenic herb
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Improves cognitive function and physical performance
  • Reduces stress and depression

Rhodiola Rosea Cons

  • It can take weeks to kick in fully

Rhodiola Rosea in Summary

Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb that can help improve mental performance, reduce fatigue, and increase concentration. It has been used for centuries to treat stress and depression and enhance physical performance. Taking it OTC in recommended doses is generally considered safe and is an ideal choice for people looking for a natural nootropic with few side effects.

7. Panax Ginseng

Panax Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Korean medicine. It is also known as Asian ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Japanese ginseng, or Korean ginseng. As an OTC nootropic, Panax Ginseng helps to improve cognitive function, increase alertness and focus, reduce stress levels, and improve mood.

The active ingredient in Panax Ginseng is the saponin called ‘ginsenosides,’ which increases acetylcholine release (ACh) and stimulates nerve growth factor production.[13]

This helps to improve neural communication and therefore enhances memory capacity and concentration. Studies have also shown that Panax Ginseng increases dopamine activity in the brain's reward pathways, leading to improved well-being and motivation.[14]

Panax Ginseng strengthens the immune system by increasing natural killer cells responsible for fighting off invading organisms or viruses. This can help protect against common colds and flu symptoms. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce muscle soreness after exercise.

Panax Ginseng Pros

  • Improves cognitive function
  • Increases alertness and focus
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Enhances well-being and motivation
  • Strengthens the immune system

Panax Ginseng Cons

  • Not all brands are equally effective

Panax Ginseng in Summary

Panax Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that can be taken OTC to improve cognitive function, reduce stress levels, and strengthen the immune system. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps increase dopamine activity in the brain’s reward pathways.

8. Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri is an over-the-counter nootropic used for centuries to improve cognitive function. It increases nerve impulses in the brain, which boosts its capacity for learning, memory, and knowledge retention.

Research has shown that Bacopa Monnieri can help improve reaction time, logical reasoning, and thinking processes in those who take it regularly.[15]

Regarding cognitive enhancement, Bacopa Monnieri works by increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain.[16] Furthermore, Bacopa Monnieri has antioxidant properties that protect the brain from free radical damage due to environmental toxins or aging.[17]

Bacopa Monnieri is an effective over-the-counter nootropic due to its ability to improve mental clarity and focus while providing antioxidant protection for the brain against environmental stressors and aging.

Taking this supplement regularly can provide users with improved memory formation and recall along with enhanced reaction time and logical processing capabilities - all of which are beneficial when needing to stay sharp throughout any task or activity!

Bacopa Monnieri Pros

  • Improves cognitive function
  • Increases nerve impulses in the brain
  • Promotes memory formation and recall
  • Provides antioxidant protection against aging and environmental toxins

Bacopa Monnieri Cons

  • It can take weeks for results to be noticed

Bacopa Monnieri in Summary

Bacopa Monnieri is an over-the-counter nootropic used for centuries to improve cognitive function. It increases nerve impulses in the brain, which boosts its capacity for learning, memory, and knowledge retention. Additionally, it can help improve reaction time, logical reasoning, and thinking processes while providing antioxidant protection against aging.

What Are the Best Over-the-Counter Nootropics?

best otc nootropics

The best over-the-counter nootropics, according to my research, are:

  1. Nooceptin
  2. Vyvamind
  3. Caffeine
  4. L-Theanine
  5. Creatine
  6. Rhodiola Rosea
  7. Panax ginseng
  8. Bacopa Monnieri

My list contains a mix of tried and tested nootropics that have been proven effective in improving cognitive functions. Each has different mechanisms of action and can provide users with a wide range of benefits.

That said, they are all readily available over the counter and can be used to enhance your mental performance without the need of a prescription.

Ultimately, I believe that incorporating a combination of these nootropics into your everyday routine is essential for optimal cognitive performance. With regular usage, you’ll find yourself more focused and energized - ready to take on whatever life throws you!

How to Choose the Best Over-the-Counter Nootropics?

Choosing the best over-the-counter nootropics can be a tricky task.

You want to ensure you get the most out of your supplement while avoiding negative side effects.

The first step is to research each nootropic and identify what it does, its mechanism of action, and potential side effects. This will help you make an informed decision and avoid any nasty surprises.

Next, identify which nootropics are most suitable for the cognitive functions you’re looking to improve and consider which ones may work best together for your needs. If a combination of supplements is what you're after, it's important to look for potential interactions between them.

If you're brand new to the world of nootropics, then I suggest starting with a nootropic blend like Nooceptin, which is easily available online. This blend can provide you with the cognitive benefits you need without worrying about potential interactions or side effects.

What Are the Benefits of Over-the-Counter Nootropics?

The benefits of taking over-the-counter nootropics are numerous. These supplements improve mental clarity, focus, memory formation, and recall.

Additionally, some can increase energy levels and improve reaction time and logical processing capabilities, which are beneficial when needing to stay sharp throughout any task or activity!

They can also help protect the brain against environmental stressors and aging. Choosing easily available nootropics, OTC, also means that you don't need a prescription from your doctor to benefit from their cognitive-enhancing properties.

Here's a quick overview of the best over-the-counter nootropics and their benefits:

  • Nooceptin - Improved mental clarity and focus, enhanced memory formation and retention, increased energy levels.
  • Vyvamind - Improved learning capacity, better reaction time, improved logical reasoning.
  • Caffeine - Increased alertness, improved concentration, improved reaction time, increased energy.
  • L-Theanine - Improved mood, reduced stress, and anxiety, improved focus and mental clarity.
  • Creatine - Enhanced memory formation, enhanced nerve impulses in the brain, better thinking processes.
  • Rhodiola Rosea - Increased alertness and concentration, improved physical performance during exercise.
  • Panax Ginseng - Improved brain energy levels and enhanced physical and mental performance.
  • Bacopa Monnieri - Enhanced memory formation, improved learning capacity, and increased antioxidant protection against aging.

What Are the Side Effects of Over-the-Counter Nootropics?

When taken in proper doses, the side effects of over-the-counter nootropics are usually mild and temporary.

However, excessive supplement intake can result in unpleasant side effects such as headaches, nausea, racing heartbeats, and insomnia.

It is important to consult your doctor before taking any supplements to ensure you’re not at risk of any adverse reactions or negative health effects.

Also, be mindful of the ingredients used in nootropic blends, as some may contain illegal or banned drugs in certain countries.

Do Over-the-Counter Nootropics Really Work?

So do I personally think that over-the-counter nootropics work? Yes. I have seen firsthand the cognitive benefits they can provide.

Although OTC nootropics are natural and readily available from most health stores, that doesn't mean they can’t be powerful cognitive-enhancing agents.

The key is to research, find the best nootropics for your needs, and use them responsibly to enjoy their full potential!

Taking a proactive approach and carefully researching each supplement before using it can ensure you get the most out of your nootropic supplement regimen.

Final Thoughts

What do we know about the best over-the-counter nootropics?

We know that OTC nootropics can provide you with a range of cognitive benefits, such as improved mental clarity and focus, enhanced memory formation and recall, increased energy levels, improved reaction time, better logical reasoning skills, and more.

We also know to be mindful of potential side effects and to speak with our doctor before using any supplements.

Finally, we also understand that taking a proactive approach and researching each supplement before use can ensure you get the most out of your nootropic experience.

These over-the-counter nootropics may be the key to unlocking your potential if used responsibly and safely!

I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the best over-the-counter nootropics available. With the right research and responsible use, these supplements can help you improve cognitive performance and reach peak mental acuity.

Best of luck on your journey to success—your brain will thank you!

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