How Does Modafinil Affect Your Teeth?

Updated July 3, 2024 by | Reviewed by William Gallagher, MNeuroSci
(Estimated reading time: 2 minutes)

If you are a student, athlete, or work in the service industry and need to stay awake for long periods of time, then Modafinil is likely your best friend.

It is a powerful drug that can help increase productivity and improve mental clarity.

The only downside? It has been known to cause teeth grinding when taken at higher doses.

In this blog post, I'll discuss how modafinil affects your teeth and what you can do about it!

So without further ado, let's just get straight into it, shall we?

How Does Modafinil Affect Your Dental Health?


When it comes to modafinil and teeth grinding, there are a few things to consider.

The first is that, like with any other drug, everyone will react differently to it.

Some people may experience no adverse effects at all, while others may find that they grind their teeth more when taking modafinil.

If you do notice that you're grinding your teeth more when taking this medication, there are a few things you can do to help mitigate the issue:

  • Lowering your dosage. This could help reduce the amount of clenching and grinding you do without significantly impacting your productivity or mental clarity.
  • Invest in a good mouthguard. A quality mouthguard can not only protect your teeth from grinding but can also help alleviate any jaw pain you may be experiencing.
  • See a dentist. If the problem is severe, your dentist may recommend other measures such as a mouthguard that attaches to your teeth or Botox injections to relax the muscles in your jaw.

It's worth noting that modafinil is NOT an amphetamine.

While amphetamines have been linked to a variety of dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease, modafinil does not have the same effects.

Why Teeth Grinding On Modafinil Is Bad

Grinding your teeth on a regular basis can wear down tooth surfaces and enamel, resulting in height loss and increased tooth sensitivity.

Furthermore, continual tension and pressure might cause teeth to crack, chip, fracture, or loosen. Fillings, crowns, or bridges may be damaged as well.

Not only can teeth grinding and clenching damage your dental health, but it can also affect other aspects of your life as well.

If you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth when you're trying to sleep at night, this could cause headaches and jaw pain the next day.

The same goes for those who clench their jaws while they work on the computer all day: if left unchecked, these habits might lead to chronic problems such as chronic migraines and muscle tension in the neck and face.

So what can you do?

If you experience any negative side effects while taking modafinil I recommend lowering your dosage right away.

I usually start out with 75-100mg once a day and adjust as needed.

If you're finding that Modafinil is still impacting your teeth negatively, try a mouthguard or see a dentist for more long-term solutions.

The important thing is to be proactive and address any problems as soon as they arise!