Rephyll Caryophyllene: The Incredible Plant-Based Nootropic

Updated October 17, 2024 by | Reviewed by William Gallagher, MNeuroSci
(Estimated reading time: 5 minutes)

Rephyll Caryophyllene is an incredible nootropic that helps to improve cognitive function and memory.

It can also help you sleep better, which will make your mind sharper!

In this article, I'll go over everything you need to know about Rephyll Caryophyllene as a Nootropic when it comes to promoting cognitive health.

So without further ado, let's just get straight into it, shall we?

What is Rephyll Caryophyllene?

Caryophyllene, also known as Beta-Caryophyllene and β-caryophyllene, is a plant-based compound that gives certain plants their smell and taste.

It was originally discovered in the 1990s by scientists who were able to extract it from hops used in making beer.

Caryophyllene is one of the most abundant terpenes in nature, and can be found in many different plants including thyme, oregano, hops (of course), oranges, cilantro—and even black pepper!

Beta-Caryophyllene has a strong, woody scent that is similar to black pepper and cinnamon.

Various cultures have long thought that rosemary and hops have pain-relieving qualities, although no one has been able to explain why.

Although its pain alleviation advantages are fascinating in and of themselves, the recent resurgence in interest in Beta-Caryophyllene may be linked to new research regarding cognitive benefits.

Beta-Caryophyllene has been shown in animal studies to promote cerebral blood flow while also reducing inflammation.

According to researchers, these events appeared to have a beneficial impact on cognitive performance.

How does Rephyll Caryophyllene work in the brain?

When it comes to improving cognitive function and memory, it's important to understand that the brain is an extremely complex organ.

That being said, researchers have been making great strides in understanding how the brain works.

In general terms, here's what we know so far: We all need to sleep well and regularly for our brains to work their best!

When you're sleeping at night, your body is going through a "cleansing cycle" that helps to wash away toxins and keep you healthy.

If your sleep cycle is disrupted, this cleansing process may not work as well—and when that happens, the toxic build-up can occur in the brain.

Scientists have recently discovered a link between Beta-Caryophyllene and improved cerebral blood flow while learning and memory were increased in mice.

Beta-Caryophyllene is thought to increase the levels of a neurotransmitter called anandamide, which works as your body's natural painkiller.

Anandamide has been found in previous studies to improve memory and learning by increasing blood flow throughout different parts of the brain.

Rephyll Caryophyllene also works as an anti-inflammatory agent.

It acts as a COX inhibitor, which means it works to reduce the levels of inflammation in the body by blocking enzymes that cause swelling and pain.

In addition, its ability to increase cerebral blood flow may help improve brain activity and cognition.

Rephyll Caryophyllene is thought to have a significant impact on cognitive function because it can cross the blood-brain barrier.

This means that it can engage with neuroreceptors in your brain, as opposed to other substances that may not be able to permeate this important boundary between the body and the brain.

What are some of Rephyll Caryophyllene's benefits?

Rephyll Caryophyllene has several benefits that can help improve your cognitive health.

These include:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling and pain in the body
  • Ability to cross the blood-brain barrier which allows it to engage with neuroreceptors in the brain
  • Promotes cerebral blood flow which can help improve memory and learning
  • Increases anandamide levels which can improve mood

Rephyll Caryophyllene truly is a unique dietary supplement that can help improve your cognitive health and overall well-being.

People usually stack Rephyll Caryophyllene with a choline supplement to increase the effectiveness of its nootropic properties.

A popular choline source is Alpha GPC, which is more effective than other choline sources like CDP Choline.

What are some of Rephyll Caryophyllene's side effects?

In terms of side effects, Rephyll Caryophyllene is well-tolerated and without much risk.

However, you mustn't take Rephyll Caryophyllene if you are currently taking blood-thinning medication as the COX inhibitor properties can increase your risk of bleeding or stroke.

Rephyll Caryophyllene is also contraindicated with certain medications like asthma inhalers.

It's always best to consult your doctor before starting any new dietary supplement, nootropic agent, or medication.

In high doses, Rephyll Caryophyllene can cause headaches and nausea.

However, these symptoms are usually quite mild and may subside as your body adjusts to the supplement over time or if you stack with a choline supplement.

Is Rephyll Caryophyllene a cannabinoid?

β-Caryophyllene is a terpene produced by many plants, including the cannabis plant.

However, Rephyll Caryophyllene isn't considered to be a cannabinoid but rather an endocannabinoid modulator—meaning it doesn't directly interact with the brain's receptors as true cannabinoids do.

This is because Rephyll Caryophyllene has a much lower affinity for the cannabinoid receptors than other cannabinoids, which means it won't be as effective and may take longer to produce effects.

Rephyll Caryophyllene can bind with the CB-receptors in your body, which work as a cannabinoid receptor agonist.

An agonist works by increasing signaling at the cell surface and producing an effect similar to that of other molecules.

In terms of pain relief, Rephyll Caryophyllene can reduce swelling and inflammation by binding with receptors in the brain.

This is why it works as an effective pain reliever for those who suffer from joint or muscle injuries, headaches, and arthritis.

It's even thought to be beneficial for people suffering from neuropathy due to diabetes—a condition that leads to numbness and tingling in the feet and hands due to nerve damage.

What I like about Rephyll Caryophyllene

I have only taken Rephyll Caryophyllene for 2 weeks and haven't fully experienced its cognitive benefits yet.

However, I can vouch for its pain relief properties as I have suffered from chronic back pain due to a herniated disc.

I was skeptical at first about this supplement because it isn't considered to be an effective nootropic supplement and I didn't notice any of its effects on brain function or mood at first.

However, after taking it daily for 15 days, my back pain has significantly reduced which is the biggest benefit in my opinion!

That being said, one of the things I don't like about Rephyll Caryophyllene is that the effectiveness seems to taper off quite quickly due to building up a tolerance to it.

I have to double the dose to feel any effects and even then, the pain relief isn't as strong.

In Summary

Beta-Caryophyllene is a natural plant-based dietary supplement that is believed to improve cognitive function and reduce pain.

It's quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements for those who are looking for an alternative treatment option or herbal remedy rather than taking pharmaceutical medications.

Rephyll Caryophyllene has few side effects, but it may take longer to produce effects in people who are new to taking supplements.

It works by binding with CB-receptors which cause the same effect as cannabinoids, but Rephyll Caryophyllene doesn't have a high affinity for them so it won't be as effective.

Rephyll Caryophyllene has been shown to help reduce joint pain, headaches, and inflammation.